I started working at the Aids Law Project-Kenya; a non-governmental
organization which works exclusively to promote equal rights and justice for people
living with HIV and AIDS; I thought I knew all there was to HIV & AIDS.
Like many people, I rightfully knew that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV )can
lead to the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS).I knew the common modes
of transmission of the virus and of course the familiar methods of prevention
of the same. I also had a vague idea on what ARVs are but did not know for
certain the combinations or even the most common drug names. Neither did I have
a precise knowledge of the talk of CD4 counts nor option B+ or even viral loads….
Aids Law Project (ALP) focuses on using legal strategies to advance health
rights for people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS.As such, I had to
bring myself to speed with the facts, figures and terminology used around
issues to do with the pandemic and more so in the Kenyan milieu.
HIV epidemic has been categorized as being generalized-this means that the
disease affects all sectors of the population. It is of paramount importance to
note that the HIV prevalence rate tends to differ according to location, gender
and age. In a nationwide survey conducted in 2003, a quarter of women aged
between 12 and 24 had lost their virginity through force. These statistics
translate to the prevalence of HIV among women being twice as high as that of
men at 8% and 4.3% respectively. This means that young women in Kenya aged
between 15-24 are four times more likely to be infected with HIV than men of
the same age. Adult HIV prevalence in urban to rural areas is at 8.4% to 6.7% respectively.
However 75% of the Kenyan population lives in rural areas; therefore the number
of people living with HIV is higher in rural settings at approximately 1
million adults as compared to 0.4 million adults in the urban settings.
are confident and hopeful that HIV in Kenya can be a generation disease by the turn
of the next decade. This means that new infection rates will decrease significantly.
This looks very possible if we adopt the treatment for prevention strategy
quickly countrywide. The aims of the approach is to get all patients with CD4
count below 500 on treatment immediately.ARVs will also be issued to all
discordant couples, pregnant HIV mothers and most at risk populations
regardless of their CD4 count. Costs, funding and sustainability of the projects
are the most pressing challenges to getting this very realistic goal done but
we must not lose sight nor hope especially in regards to recent precedent set by
the Indian Supreme Court and the Patricia Asero case (Kenya )which address
issues to do with access to medicine, patent and Intellectual property issues, compulsory
licensing and generic medication. There is also a flicker of light at the end
of the tunnel with the current pre-license qualification that has been issued
to Universal Corporation a local company that may soon be making ARVs for the
local and regional demand.
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